Material body and spiritual body. Part 1

What is the problem? Because we are part and parcel of God, we are
qualitatively equal with Him. God is eternal, and we are eternal. God is
blissful, and we are blissful. God is full of knowledge; we are also full of
knowledge. Unfortunately we are hampered by this material body. Therefore our
problem is how to get out of this material body and come to our spiritual body.
The spiritual body is there, just as our real body is present underneath our
shirt and coat. I, you, and every one of us is a spiritual spark, part and parcel
of God, and we are placed within a gross and subtle body. When this particular
body is finished, we are carried by a subtle body into another gross body. That
is called transmigration of the soul. And when we finally get free from the
subtle body also, we go back home, back to Godhead. It is that easy. Human
beings therefore should endeavor to get out of this gross and subtle body,
attain the spiritual body and go back home. That should be the aim of human
endeavor. Not that we should simply live like animals. Animals cannot get out
of the gross and subtle body because to extricate oneself one must know in fact
what God is. An animal cannot know what God is, but a human being can. That is
the opportunity afforded by this body; nature gives us this human body just to
understand God, and if we simply use it for animal propensities, we again go to
the animal kingdom. That is a form of punishment.
with the New York Times -- September 2, 1972, New Vrindaban)
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