To translate Transcendental literature means translations and purports, Part 2
„Mahadeva: Here's the text, here's the original Sanskrit. And we have a Roman transliteration, and then individually, the word meanings. Jesuit Priest: Oh, I see. I've got it, yes. Mahadeva: And then a full translation. Jesuit Priest: Translation. Yes. They're marvelous. Yes. Yes. Revatīnandana: Actually, most of the Sanskrit, much of that work is done by one of Prabhupāda's disciples now. He handles much of the Sanskrit. Prabhupāda: Yes, they are being trained. Revatīnandana: It's a mechanical process, after all. But the translation, that requires not only knowledge of the language, it requires spiritual realization. Prabhupāda: Yes. Revatīnandana: And the spiritual translation is done by Prabhupāda. Not just from knowledge of Sanskrit, but from spiritually realized knowledge. That is the qualification to put the meaning into any language. You have to have realized the message.” (Conversation, 25/7/73 London...