We cannot even go to the end of the universe, so how can we go to the spiritual world?
„We living entities, we are spiritual atoms, and
by material atomic combination we have developed this body, although this
material body is foreign to me. Similarly, we can develop our spiritual body
also in the spiritual world. Is it clear? Just like in the material world, in
combination with matter we have developed this material body. Do you believe in
this, that "I am spiritual atom, and I have developed this material body
on the basis of spiritual atom?" It is a fact. It is a fact.
Just like in the mother's womb when the
spiritual atom takes place, then it grows, it forms the material body. Without
that spiritual atom, there cannot be any growth of body. Simply sex intercourse
does not give guarantee of pregnancy. Unless that spiritual atom is there, the
body does not grow.” (Lecture on BG 4.11-12 -- New York, July 28, 1966)
„A man can go to the higher planetary system
when he is preparing himself to go there. So there are millions and trillions
of planets. Wherever you want, you can go. The descriptions are there in the
śāstra. But there is another description, the kingdom of God. That kingdom of
God is there beyond this material sky. So we have to take information where
that spiritual world is there. You can have it from Vedic literature. In the
Bhagavad-gītā it is said, paras tasmāt tu bhāvo 'nyo 'vyakto 'vyaktāt sanātanaḥ
(BG 8.20). There is another nature, the spiritual nature, which is beyond this
material nature. That material nature... Vyaktāvyakta means some portion is
manifested and some portion is not manifested. And we get information from
Bhagavad-gītā that the spiritual nature is beyond this manifested and
nonmanifested cosmic situation. So Kṛṣṇa says, the supreme authority says,
mad-yājino 'pi yānti mām (BG 9.25). If somebody cultivates Kṛṣṇa consciousness,
he can go there. It is not difficult; simply you have to change your mode of
life.” (Lecture on BG 2.12 -- Mexico, February 12, 1975)
„We are eternally connected with the Supreme
Lord, but somehow or other we are now in material contamination. Therefore, we
must take up a process by which to go back again to the spiritual world. That
linking process is called yoga. The actual translation of the word yoga is "plus."
At the present moment we are minus God, or minus the Supreme. But when we make
ourselves plus—connected—then our human form of life is perfect. During our
lifetime we have to practice approaching that point of perfection, and at the
time of death, when we give up this material body, that perfection has to be
realized. At the time of death, one must be prepared. Students, for instance,
prepare for two to five years in college, and the final test of their education
is the examination. If they pass the examination, they get a degree. Similarly,
in the subject of life, if we prepare for the examination at the time of death
and pass it, then we are transferred to the spiritual world. Everything is
examined at the time of death.
There is a very common Bengali proverb that
says that whatever one does for perfection will be tested at the time of his
death. Bhagavad-gītā describes what we should do at the point of our death,
when we are giving up this present body.” (Easy Journey to Other Planets)
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