You can develop a spiritual body
Prabhupāda? You said that spirit soul is one ten-thousandth the tip of a hair.
In the spiritual sky, is the spirit soul still just that big?
Prabhupāda: That is
his constitutional position. Either in the spiritual sky or material sky, he's
the same. But as you develop in the material world a material body, similarly
in the spiritual world you can develop a spiritual body. You follow? Your
position is that small particle, but spirit can expand. This expansion in the
material world is being done in contact with matter. And in the spiritual
world, that expansion can be done in spirit. Here in the material world I am
spirit soul. I am different from this body because this body is matter and I am
living. I am living force, but this material body is not living force. And in
the spiritual world there is everything living force. There is no dead matter.
Therefore the body is also spiritual. Just like water with water, water, that's
all. But water and oil—distinction. Similarly, I am spirit soul, I am the oil.
So I am in the water, so there is distinction. But if I am put into the oil,
then everything's all right. So the impersonalists, they do not develop body.
They simply remain as spirit particle. That is their idea. But we Vaiṣṇava, we
want to serve Kṛṣṇa, therefore we require hands, legs and mouth and tongue,
everything. So we are giving such body. As you are getting this body from the
womb of the mother, similarly we get body in the spiritual world. Not from the
womb of the mother, but there is process to get, you can get.
on BG 6.1 -- Los Angeles, February 13, 1969)
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