Angels, Part 2
is a planet which is called Siddhaloka within this universe. In the Siddhaloka
they have got full perfection of life. And sometimes the yogis can demonstrate.
In the Siddhaloka, for going from one planet to another planet there is no need
of vehicles, no need of aeroplane. They can fly themselves in the sky.
Sometimes we have seen pictures—a beautiful man and woman with wings. That is,
of course, imagination. Maybe. We have not seen the inhabitants of the
Siddhaloka, but we find it from Vedic scriptures that they can fly in the sky
without any help of aeroplane or similar machine. They travel from one planet
to another by yoga-siddhi. As the yogis can transfer themselves from one place
to another without any difficulty, similarly, the inhabitants of Siddhaloka,
they can fly in the sky. (aside:) What is that?
In Siddhaloka there are angels? That means angels?
Prabhupāda: Yes. [break] There are many different types of human beings. So, the Caranas, the demigods, the Siddhas. Don't think that in every planet you can find out the same bodily features. There are different bodily features. So in Siddhaloka they have got the same bodily features, but their powers are far, far greater than ours. Siddha-sat... Now they are describing,
are so beautiful-looking that all of your eyes are just like lotus
petals." Sarve padma-palāśākṣāḥ pīta-kauśeya-vāsasaḥ: "And you are
very nicely dressed with yellow colored garments and ornaments," and kirīṭinaḥ,
"with helmet," kirīṭinaḥ kuṇḍalinaḥ, "earrings, nice earrings,
nice jewels, helmets," kirīṭinaḥ kuṇḍalino lasat-puṣkara..., "and
with nice flower garlands." This is the description of the inhabitants of
Vaikuṇṭhaloka. There is no hat-coat-pant. They are dressed in a different way.
right. Now have... [break] There are five kinds of devotees, liberation. Any
one. There are varieties in the spiritual kingdom also, the five kinds of
liberation, any one of them. Māyāvādī philosophers, they know only one kind of
liberation, sāyujya-mukti, to merge into the existence of brahmajyoti. That
much they know. Or they know... They prefer this kind of liberation, to become
with the Supreme. That is taste. But devotees, they do not like. They want to
keep their individuality.
(indistinct) angels in the (indistinct) different angels?
So the angels... The Siddhaloka is not in the spiritual world. It is in the
material world. But they are highly qualified. But that Siddhaloka is not in
the spiritual world. That is within the material world.
Devotee (1):
You said that the pictures they draw of the men with wings, that is not bona
fide pictures?
No. The statement in the Vedic literature—that they can fly. Now one can draw
some picture, because they have idea that without wings how one can fly? That
may be. That is their idea. But Nārada can fly everywhere. He has no wings. He
can travel both in the spiritual and material world, but he has no wings.
Is it true he has the same body in the spiritual world and when he comes into
the material world?
Prabhupāda: Yes, it is Nārada's facility. He has got the benediction that he can travel anywhere, without any restriction. Even some of the yogis... Durvāsā Muni, he also went to the spiritual world, saw Lord Viṣṇu. And Arjuna also went to the spiritual world with Kṛṣṇa. So, not that this material body cannot be transformed into spiritual body by the supreme will of the Lord. Anything can be changed. We think that this is stereotyped; it cannot be transformed. No. That's not the fact. By the supreme will, anything can be changed into anything.
... "
on SB 6.1.27-34 -- Surat, December 17, 1970)
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