Why is it important to you not to eat cows?
Just like loke vyavāyāmiṣa-madya-sevā nityā hi jantoḥ. There is tendency for
eating meat. Therefore Vedas says that "You can eat meat, but..." Not
only Vedas, in other scriptures also. The Jews also say. The Mohammedans also
say that you can kill in the synagogue or in the, what is called, mosque, one
animal. But not slaughterhouse. No religion prescribes that you open
slaughterhouse. No.
It's always done under...
That is restricted. Why it is advised to kill in the synagogue? Why not
publicly? That means it is not wanted, but if you go on killing in the mosque,
some day you may come to your sense, that you are a rascal; you are becoming
responsible. But if you open slaughterhouse, that sense will never come.
Hṛdayānanda: And not to kill the cow?
Especially not to kill cow. That animal is very, very important to the human
society. According to the Vedic system, those who are meat-eaters, they are
recommended to kill some goat or some other animal. Not cow.
Walk -- December 6, 1973, Los Angeles)
the Vedic scriptures there are concessions for meat-eaters. It is said that if
one wants to eat meat, he should kill a goat before the goddess Kālī and then
eat its meat. Meat-eaters are not allowed to purchase meat or flesh from a
market or slaughterhouse. There are no sanctions for maintaining regular
slaughterhouses to satisfy the tongues of meat-eaters. As far as cow-killing is
concerned, it is completely forbidden. Since the cow is considered a mother,
how could the Vedas allow cow-killing?” (CC Adi 17.159, Translation and
But where the winters are long, people have to kill animals to have something
to eat over winter.
Well, but you should have... I am not speaking for India or Europe. I am
speaking the whole human society. Just try to understand.
People started eating meat because in winter they had nothing else to eat.
No, you can eat meat, but you cannot eat meat by killing your father and
mother. That is human sense. You are taking milk from the cow, it is your
mother. You take milk, that in Australia they produce so much milk, butter, and
everything. And after it is finished, cut the throat and make business, send to
other countries. What is this nonsense? Is that humanity? Do you think?
Conversation with Director of Research of the Dept. of Social Welfare -- May
21, 1975, Melbourne)
The cow is the mother. Mother gives milk. And mother, when she cannot supply
milk, mother should be cut up. Is that a very good philosophy? Is it human
philosophy? What is the answer? But if you say that somebody wants to, say in
your country majority they want to eat meat. So, if you put that argument, then
you can eat some lower animals. You can eat the pigs. You are eating also,
pigs. Not in a massive scale. Massive scale—if you are Christian you should
follow your religious scripture: "Thou shall not kill!" This should
be the principle. But if you are a rākṣasa, if you want to eat meat, then at
least don't kill the cows. You can eat other, insignificant animals. You are
eating also. You are eating everything. Except the moving cars, you are eating
all the moving animals. The car also moves, but you cannot eat. Otherwise you
are killing everything. You have become so civilized rascal that your business
is to kill other animals and eat.
(Morning Walk -- May 10, 1975, Perth)
Therefore, because we are propagating this Kṛṣṇa consciousness, we ask people
to, not to eat meat, any kind.
Cardinal Danielou:
Yes, yes, yes.
But if, under certain circumstances, you are obliged to eat meat, eat the flesh
of some lower animals. Don't kill cows. It is the greatest sin. And so long one
will be sinful, he'll not be able to understand what is God. But human being,
main business is to understand God and to love Him. But if he remains sinful,
neither he can understand God, and what to, what is the question of loving Him.
Therefore at least from the human society, this cruel maintenance of
slaughterhouses must be stopped.
Conversation with Cardinal Danielou -- August 9, 1973, Paris)
especially we request cow protection because it is ordered by Krsna.”
Conversation -- June 11, 1974, Paris)
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