Buddhism is an act of camouflage by the Lord, Part 3
"When there was too much animal killing, the incarnation of Lord Buddha was there to stop animal killing. In Buddhism there is no animal killing. Although they are now killing animals, but originally Buddha religion means non-violence." (Room Conversation with Professor Durckheim German Spiritual Writer -- June 19, 1974, Germany)
"Buddhism also was a necessity for the time being. They are not for all. Emergency. Just like it is going on, "emergency." It is not necessity, but sometimes we have to take emergency." (Morning Walk -- November 17, 1975, Bombay)
"Vaiṣṇavas, they do not accept the philosophy of Buddha or Śaṅkarācārya. Buddha's philosophy: zero, śūnyavādi; and Śaṅkara's philosophy: nirviśeṣa-vādi, impersonal. So we defy these, nirviśeṣa-śūnyavādi. But we have got all respect for them.
think that we disrespect. Keśava dhṛta-buddha-śarīra jaya jagadīśa hare. And
the Vaiṣṇavas know Śaṅkarācārya. Śaṅkara, svayaṁ śaṅkara, he is incarnation of
Lord Śiva, and Lord Buddha is incarnation of Kṛṣṇa. So they come for particular
purpose, to benefit the whole world. But that is for the time being. That is
not permanent. The permanent solution is mataṁ ca vāsudevasya. That is
permanent. Mataṁ ca vāsudevasya. That is permanent."
on SB 1.7.32-33 -- Vrndavana, September 27, 1976)
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